Why Practices That DIY Their Marketing Get Stuck With Single-Channel Solutions

Why do practices that do their own marketing tend to rely so heavily on a single channel? This is important to think about because it’s not like these practices are just ignoring other channels or forgetting they exist. 

Instead, they get locked into a single channel that they know and feel confident about. And they do that because:

  • They don’t have enough resources or employees to do anything else.

  • They use inefficient systems and get lost in time-consuming tasks.

  • They have to spend a lot of time learning how to do new things on their own. 

  • They struggle to understand the real values and risks of emerging marketing channels. 

  • They get overwhelmed trying to keep a lot of different plates spinning in a cohesive way. 

These are all legitimate and logical reasons to pick a single focus and try to do it really, really well! However, that reliance on a single channel locks you into a risky place where it’s very easy to tap out your limited audience and very, very difficult to grow over time.    

If you want to take it to the next level and mitigate the risks that hold you back, you’re going to need some help beating the challenges. But is the only solution to outsource your marketing and give up everything you love about doing it yourself? Absolutely not!

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