How Longtail Keywords and a Powerful Organic Strategy Attracted His Biggest Personal Injury Case Yet

Ranking highly for vanity keywords may feel good, but that’s not typically where your best clients and cases come from. Instead, it’s the longtail keywords on your website and in your content that pull in highly specific searches from potential clients that truly need your help. 

Kenny knows this better than most. He’s seen the difference in the quality of the leads and cases that come in from highly specific content on his website. Because he’s been staying ahead of Google for years working with the Foster Web Marketing team, his firm ranks highly for many of the big, broad “vanity” keywords that other law firms pay for. However, he’s noticed that the cases get better and better as his website and keywords get more and more specific. 

“It's funny we rank for all these, or a bunch of these, vanity keywords now. The inquiries we get from the vanity keywords typically aren't that great. When it comes in through our personal injury lawyer page or our car accident attorney page or whatever—there are a lot of those and some of them are pretty good. But, man, our real bangers—the big hitters—come in for things that are more specific, where people have very real, very personal, very consequential questions.”—Kenneth Berger

In other words, it’s not the hundreds of people that come to your homepage after searching for “South Carolina personal injury lawyer” that turn into incredible clients. It’s 2 or 3 people coming in across all kinds of highly specific content pages with more personal, “longtail” keyword searches.

It’s a time-proven strategy that works. And, just this year, that strategy brought Kenny his biggest personal injury case yet: $26 million for a child that was severely burned by pool chemicals at a resort. For more details about what happened and how Kenny and his team built the case, check out our interview on the World of Marketing podcast.

Kenny didn’t attract this case by outbidding other firms on pay-per-click keywords. He didn’t attract this case by buying up huge billboards or expensive ad placements. Instead, Kenny attracted this case by drilling down into specifics and building a powerful organic web presence that naturally led the family to his firm:

  • His website has a specifically optimized page for burn injury cases.
  • He uses supporting content to answer common questions, explain difficult concepts, and help potential burn injury clients understand their situation and what to do next. 
  • He seamlessly incorporated his new Myrtle Beach office into his organic marketing strategy.
  • He continually maintains his website and adjusts as technology and Google’s best practices change.

So, when the family started searching for lawyers in Myrtle Beach that had experience with burn injury cases, they organically landed on Kenny’s website and found a great fit for their case. 

That's the power of longtail search, and that's why you create these highly specific pages for your website. It’s what attracts the kinds of cases that you know you want and you're good at!

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Find Marketing Experts You Can Trust to Do What’s Right for You

When Kenny first came to Foster Web Marketing, he was a young lawyer that was struggling to compete with the “big dog” law firms in his area. He was used to marketing agencies brushing him off in favor of higher-value firms, but that wasn’t his experience with our team. Instead, he got the same personalized, proactive attention we give to all our clients. 

And that was the beginning of a relationship of trust and collaboration that has been going strong for more than a decade. 

These days, our team works collaboratively with Chelsea Fullerton, his in-house marketing director. And, with our powers combined, Kenny trusts us to make decisions and lead his marketing in the right direction. 

“It's always just been a very dignified relationship. And when there's been room for improvement, you all have suggested ways we can improve. When we've seen things on our end we'd like to improve here, you all said ‘great!’ I mean, it's just it's been so collaborative and so mutually beneficial. It's been a wonderful thing.”—Kenneth Berger 

As an example, Kenny remembers our team recommending he upgrade his website to improve his page speed before a major Google update. He resisted that advice for around a year and saw his rankings, impressions, and other metrics plummet. After upgrading his site, his performance bounced back. And, over the years, it just keeps getting better and better.  

“Whenever y'all have made recommendations to us, 99.9% of the time—maybe 100% of the time—we should have taken your recommendation earlier than I did.”—Kenny Berger

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Beat Bigger Competitors With a Powerful Organic Strategy That Stands the Test of Time

Kenny initially embraced online marketing because it was cost effective, and it put him on a more level playing field with his competitors. They had more time in the field, along with relationships and results to ride on. He was just an up-and-comer, but he had a relationship with the leading marketing company in the legal field and a deep understanding of what motivates and resonates with his best clients.   

More than a decade later, there’s no doubt that his strategy paid off. 

He’s built a powerful, sustainable marketing machine that keeps him growing. He’s outgrown or outlasted firms that used to be significant competitors. And he’s keeping up the momentum year after year with the help of his in-house marketing director and the Foster Web Marketing team. 

Are you trying to achieve your most ambitious goals yet? Do you need a marketing partner that can work with you to solidify your position at the forefront of your field? Find out how well your current website and marketing strategy are working for you with a complimentary marketing analysis, and let’s start building a real plan to get you to where you want to be.