Dr. Nathan Ivey comes from the Pacific Northwest and is from a family of 10. He got his podiatry degree from the California College of Podiatric Medicine in 1999. Eventually, the lack of sun got to him and his wife, so they uprooted and moved down to New Mexico, where he has been in practice ever since. His specialty is in rearfoot and ankle reconstruction, but he is also adept at using orthotics to correct issues that would otherwise require surgery. He is a business owner who is familiar with the stresses and obstacles involved in running a practice and taking over a practice. Over the years, he has built a sense of resiliency into his entrepreneurial style—something we can all learn from.


Here’s a Glimpse of What You’ll Learn

0:00 Preview - Obstacles in Taking Over a Practice

1:17 Introduction

4:44 Is There a Secret to Podiatry Growth?

8:48 How Nathan Got Started

11:50 Building Without a Guide

13:28 Nathan’s Background Outside of Work

14:34 Setting Up Shop in Albuquerque

16:38 Obstacles in Taking Over a Practice

21:00 The Necessity of Resilience

23:45 Marketing Before FWM

26:10 Modernizing Marketing With FWM

30:50 Performance Improvements With FWM

33:55 Flying From Practice to Practice

36:29 Dealing With Social Anxiety

41:26 Nathan’s Best Piece of Advice

42:31 Nathan’s Daily Rituals

44:58 Closing Thoughts

You’d be hard-pressed to find a podiatrist, or any entrepreneur for that matter, that has a story quite like Dr. Nathan Ivey’s. His practice has been forged out of the trials and tribulations of moving several states away, taking over a practice, holding his own against hospitals, and actually having to fly across New Mexico to commute between two practices. His story is one of legend—and, like many legends, we can learn a lesson or two from it. This episode will explore the concepts of the ever-evolving landscape of entrepreneurship, marketing, and life in general.

Speakers Featured in This Episode

- Tom Foster of Foster Web Marketing
- Dr. Nathan Ivey of New Mexico Foot and Ankle Institute

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